
Het Rubey-team wordt ondersteund door sterke partners met elk hun eigen expertise.

KMSKA artwork restore

Rubey regards its investors as indispensable partners. Without them Rubey simply couldn’t exist. These investors not only share their financial means but also their deep-rooted enthusiasm for art and their commitment to creating social impact. They are more than mere financial supporters; they are the driving force behind the realisation of Rubey’s social mission: making art accessible for everyone.

Tokeny helps companies to issue, register and manage digital assets with blockchain technology. Tokeny realises the back end of the Rubey platform where the Art Security Tokens can be purchased, and sold as of 2023.

Loyens & Loeff is a global law firm. Its Luxembourg department helps Rubey to structure and build the token issuing company in Luxembourg and to design the legal characteristics of the Art Security Tokens.

Hogan Lovells is a global law firm. Its Belgian department assists Rubey with the Art Security Token sales process for investors (the Security Token Offering) and with the marketing of the Art Security Token product.

Cazimir is a Belgian law firm that specialises, amongst others, in succession planning, family businesses, and tax and fiscal matters. Cazimir helps Rubey analyse the chief tax aspects of the Security Token Offering process as a function of the token issuing company and the underlying assets that are tokenised.

Finimmo is a financial services provider that is supervised by the Luxembourg regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). Finimmo will audit Rubey's Know Your Customer (KYC) processes on a regular basis to ensure that Rubey is properly informed of who holds Art Security Tokens.

TMF Group offers accounting, management and corporate law services. For Rubey, TMF has taken on the important role of Security Agent, which is the independent party that will represent Art Security Token holders in the event of a dispute with the Issuer.

JTC Executive Partners is a corporate administrative services agency. It assists Rubey with the proper management and execution of the administrative processes in Luxembourg for the token issuing company.

AlphaFX is one of the banks that provide various banking services to Rubey, such as the collection of funds from investors and the management of a bank account of the token issuing company.

Olkypay is one of the banks that provide various banking services to Rubey, such as the collection of funds from investors and the management of a bank account of the token issuing company.

A special thanks to Peter Van Wijnaerde who was involved at the beginning of the project.
